Thursday, April 12, 2012

Roller Coaster

Sorry to leave y'all hanging.  We did get an offer on Tuesday.  We countered it on Wednesday.  They countered it today.  It seems like they are more hung up on timing of possession than price so we may have to negotiate one more time.  I negotiations.  They make me want to curl up in the fetal position.  So I've decided to let Mr. Molly handle that b/c as far as I'm concerned the house is selling and I need to move in 6 weeks.

Soooo... switch gears to buying a house.  There is a ridiculous amount of research needed so that we can even come up with a list of houses we want to see.  To date we have looked at 3 houses... 2 were horrible and 1 was awesome (in my opinion).  Mr. Molly thought the awesome one was "nice but not amazing" so we are really not too far along in this whole house search thing.

Next post will outline school district drama and what we are looking for in a house.... stay tuned!!!!  I know, this is riveting stuff. 

p.s. One showing last night, one today, and one tomorrow night.  Wouldn't it be sweet if we could have another offer before we figure out this whole thing? 
p.p.s. Trying to look at houses with two 4 yr olds in tow is horrible.  I do not recommend it.
p.p.p.s.  Shout out to my mom!  Every piece of feedback we've received on our house is that it shows really well and is really nicely staged.  One even said "immaculate".  She staged it and so we probably owe her a cut of our profits from the closing.  Instead we'll reward her by letting her interior decorate our new house.  Congratulations Mom!!

1 comment:

  1. There's a house for sale on our street.. just saying. We could be neighbors, and then you could pawn the kids off on us frequently.
