Monday, April 9, 2012

The Ball Ran Me Over

Realtor Lady (RL) told me today, on Judgement Day, "Let's get the ball rolling!"  I have to say that the damn ball ran me over.

I waited all day to see when it would be listed.  I kept checking my email b/c RL promised she would send it right away.  No email, no email, no email. 

Around 4:20pm I got a phone call and it was the "central showing agency" (or something like that) saying that a realtor wanted to show my house from 6:30pm to 7:30pm tonight.  I was like "um, it's not even listed yet".  So I said it was fine and continued the business meeting I was supposed to be having at my desk.

5 min later the "people who make showings" (or something like that) said that the realtor changed the time and now wants to see it tonight from 6-8pm.  I played it cool, "um, ok."  Then I hung up and freaked the f out. 

Shut down my computer and ran out of the building dialing up RL as I went.  Left a probably very screechy message on her VM saying "I didn't even know the house was listed and now I'm supposed to do a showing from 6-8pm and it's 4:45pm and I'm downtown and my house is full of clothes b/c I haven't unpacked from my Easter trip!!!!"  She called me back and said that the house was in fact NOT listed but this realtor must have driven by and saw the sign, which was put up this morning. 

Ok, I guess.  Then RL said that 8-10 is a ridiculous amount of time and she would call the showing realtor and fix it.  I am already falling in love with RL.  Anyway, she called me back and the showing was rescheduled for 6:45-7:15pm.

Still rushed home.. Mr. Molly and I set everything right.. which involved putting all the laundry in the empty suitcases in the basement.  (we are super-clever)  We were out of there by 6:05pm.

Took the kids out to a $50 dinner and by the time we left there I had gotten 3 more calls from the "official showing schedulers" (or whatever they are called) and had 2 showings set up for tomorrow and one on Wed.  Holy crapola!

Got home and were like "phew" for 5 seconds until the doorbell rang.  It was the showing realtor saying "oops, we are late!".  Dude lady... it is now 7:55pm.  You were supposed to come from 6:45-7:30pm.  I gave her the maloccio (Italian evil eye) but she busted into my house anyway. 

So Mr. Molly and I took the kids and stood in the backyard while she showed these people the house.  We just stood there staring at each other as the sky got dark thinking "what the hell happened to our orderly life?"  At least that's what I was thinking.  He was probably thinking about sports.

And then the kids went to bed without a bath and I collapsed from my emotional roller coaster.  The end.

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