Thursday, April 26, 2012

Not Moving Down, Moving Laterally

The reason the blog is called Movin' on Down is because 1) I am moving and 2) I am trying to get my size down. 

I haven't talked about #2 at all because the fact is that my size is not going down as of late.  Good news is that it's not really going up either. 

Stress and anxiety tend to wreck havoc on my scale numbers. 

I tried to copy/paste a graph of my weight loss in here but apparently I am not tech-savvy enough.  Here's a depiction of what it looks like:

Feb                                                  End of March

(take that blogger! - i WILL make a graph)

However today I had a weekly weigh in and I lost 1lb from last week.  And my overall weight is only 0.2lbs higher from the lowest I've been since I started in early Feb.  So I'm going to go ahead and call that a victory considering the current conditions and that I haven't really been trying that hard. 

Imagine what I could do if I tried.  It's just... I can only work hard at so many things.  Job, House Selling, House Searching, Setting up Moving/Storage/Rental, Keeping Kids Alive.  That's about it.  Note "keeping kids alive" was last on the list.  Thank God cheese has protein in it and they are in good hands at daycare.

p.s. I'm going to guess that my new Canadian readers are really just Mr. Molly traveling on business.  :)

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