Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My name is Molly, and I love packing.

"Hiiiiiiii Molly."

It seems like if you admit that you love packing people look at you like you should be sent to the loony bin. 

Well guess what?  I'm out and proud.  I.  Love.  Packing.

The feeling of putting everything you own into tightly sealed and well-labeled boxes gives me great joy.

I know you skeptics out there are saying, "Of COURSE she loves packing.  She goes to work all day and Molly's Parents pack all the boxes while she is gone."

Well, that is kind of true.  They do pack boxes while I'm gone (for 3 of 5 work days this week) but the full truth is I would MUCH rather be here packing the boxes. 

It's so exciting to me.  Everything goes in a box and then VOILA (in 6 weeks) it shows up at Dream House ready to roll.  The boxes all say what room they go to thanks to my awesome moving tape and everything is neat and organized.  I think the hardest part will be at the end when you have lots of bits and pieces that aren't already organized and you have to kind of throw them together in an unorganized way.  But right now it's pretty sweet.  All the work we did back in March to stage the house definitely helps.

We have to separate everything into what goes into storage and what goes to the "Adventure House (AH)"  This is what we are calling the apartment, mostly for the sake of the kids.  It does have a pool across the street so to them it will be a most excellent adventure.

Technically the AH is fully furnished and all we need to bring is our clothes.  That's how they advertise it, but it's not really true.  You also have to bring your toiletries, your kid's toys, your kid's sleeping devices, your medicine, your important documents, your iPad and laptops, and all the food and liquids that the moving company won't put in storage.

So everything they say about "it's so great, you don't have to move twice!" is only kind of true.  It's just a baby move.  As my 24yr old employee who is about to move into his first house would say "it all fits in my car."

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