Wednesday, May 23, 2012

42 Days

And so the countdown begins.  42 days (at the most) until we move into Dream House. 

I was planning to get more "settled" in the AH last night but I got last minute invited to the LMFAO concert so that didn't happen.  I really want to get it all set up for when the boys come back on Monday.  I'm nervous about them coming back and being confused.  We have tried to play up the AH but it's not as cool as our old house, Molly's parents' house, or Dream House so I don't know what they will think.  I also don't think they will understand that we can't go back to the old house.  They are only 4yrs old after all.

So the big question is, how much stalking will I do of the old house?  Poor Mr. Molly.  He felt so bad that the grass had burned up a little b/c we've had no rain and he couldn't water b/c the hoses were packed.  He told Jack last night when he turned over the keys and Jack said "It's no big deal, I'm not the kind of guy who needs a green lawn."  WTF Jack??? Way to break Mr. Molly's heart.  He worked so very hard on that grass.

Jack also asked Mr. Molly if he could keep the garbage can outside of the garage.  This is a no-no with the association but just the fact that he asked made us think that they are not going to take as good of care of the house as we did and that is kind of sad.  They are going to keep the front room as a playroom.  I wonder if they will paint over the balloons that Molly's Mom freehand painted on the walls.

I'm sure I'll get reports from my neighbor friends in front and back of the house.  But I will also do many drive-bys in the next 42 days (and probably beyond).  Dream House is exactly 2.87 miles from our old house.  AH is exactly 1.35 miles from our old house.

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