Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Inspection Period Complete

The sellers of Dream House accepted all of our "Requests to Remedy" with no negotiation at all!
Happy Mother's Day and Birthday to me!

So things are moving right along (as Kermie and Fozzie would say) this week. 

Today is the FINAL WALK THROUGH on our current house.  I hope Jack and Jill love their new radon mitigation system. 

Thursday is the CLOSING on our current house. 

Saturday or Sunday the kids will say goodbye to the only house they've ever known and head to Molly's Parents house for an extended vacation.

Monday the moving men come and take it all away to storage and we start our adventure in apartment living.

P.S. Trying to set up RL with Molly's Mom because 1) I think they would be great friends and 2) I think they could actually work together if Molly's Mom ever moves here.

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