Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dream #3

Last night I had a dream about Jim and Cindy.  This what I am naming the current owners of Dream House.  If you get the 90210 reference then you win a cookie.

Jim and Cindy didn't do anything weird in the dream.  We were in dream house walking around, it was 1/2 packed (maybe it was the final walk through or something) and Jim was sitting on his couch.  He told me that he was challenging the appraisal because he felt that the features in the house warranted a higher value.  I was like "have at it" because that only helps me in the long run. 

Cindy told me she was really sad to be leaving the house.  I told her I could relate and that we were so happy to be moving in and we appreciated them taking such good care of it.

Then Cindy asked me if I would help her look for her new house since we obviously have similar taste.  I don't know why she would have asked me that since she is looking at houses 2,000 miles away.  But we were looking at our calendars figuring out when we could get together and I noticed on her calendar that she had the closing of Dream House scheduled for the 24th.  Premonition???????  Probably not since the 24th is a Sunday.

So somehow we ended up on a plane, me and Mr. Molly in one row and behind us Jim and Cindy.  Except it was weird that Jim and Cindy were acting like they didn't know us.  They kept saying "you two look familiar."  

I think this last part stems from when Mr. Molly and I took a walk by Dream House recently and Cindy was in the front dining room window working on homework with her son.  She looked at us and we looked at her and then I freaked that she recognized us and would think we were stalkers (which we are).  Mr. Molly said it's unlikely that she would recognize us as the buyers but she might think we looked familiar.

According to the contract the closing needs to be "on or before" the 30th with "possession 5 days after closing."  Since the 30th is a Saturday, the 29th is the latest we can close, which means we would get possession on July 4th.

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