Friday, June 15, 2012

Pretty Great Week

This week ended up being pretty great.  This is despite the fact that I forgot to take my happy pills 2 days in a row resulting in horrible nightmares last night.

Monday I got a massage at the chiropractor and figured out the cause of my back problem. 
Tuesday I got to go to a baseball game during work.
Wednesday we got our escrow check in the mail, FINALLY.  With this we are pretty financially set to pay our 20% down payment and have pretty decent savings still left which is a huge win in my mind.
Thursday I lost 0.6 lbs at Weight Watchers and the boys did not throw a fit at being separated for their music class.  My son won over all the teachers at the music school by serenading the entire waiting room with a pretty excellent rendition of Rainbow Connection, wearing a Kermit shirt and strumming a banjo guitar.  Moments like that make me tear up with pride.

Friday is today and only 2 FREAKING WEEKS until our closing.  Tonight the boys get much needed haircuts and we kick off our fabulous Father's Day Weekend.

On the docket for Father's Day Weekend:  bounce house, pool, jazz fest, and brunch.  Along with gorgeous weather.

Also this week, I got to watch a lot of Storage Wars and Big Bang Theory on the AH's DVR.  The best thing about the DVR at the AH is that one person can watch a taped show downstairs while another person watches a taped show upstairs.  AT&T u-verse is really da bomb.

I forgot to tell you that my dearest friend decided to sell me her freakin' awesome 61in TV to go in the Dream House basement.  It needs a new lamp, which arrived in the mail today.  So this weekend we will attempt to repair it.  I owe her a shout out for storing the TV in her dining room for us for a month until we get to move.  Mr. Molly's Father's Day gift is this $38 lamp that will ultimately give him a great TV for his new man cave.

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