Tuesday, June 5, 2012

FOUND: Sunglasses and Pillow

You may remember from this post that I lost my sunglasses.  They had been missing for a month and I was sick of squinting so I declared them goners and bought an el cheapo pair at Target on Sunday.  Monday, I found my beautiful D&G's. 

I  know you're thinking the irony is that I found them right after I bought new ones.  Au contraire mon frere.  The irony is that I found them in my gym bag.  Yep, that pretty much means I haven't worked out for a month.  There is a minor exception because when I go to my Advanced Double Step class on Sundays I don't bring my workout bag.  But that was 2 times in the past month.  If I was better about exercising then I would have found my sunglasses and saved myself some squinting and $16. 

However, the most glorious find of the day was my PILLOW.  One month ago when BFF was visiting she gave me some wise advise and suggested I get a huge plastic bin and put bedding, pillows, towels, paper plates, etc in it for the first night in the new house so I don't have to search in boxes.  I followed her advice and packed my bin as I was packing up my house.  I brought the bin to AH and promptly stored it in the coat closet under the stairs thinking I would not need it until the move to the Dream House.  I am so stupid.  My PILLOWS were in that bin.  It dawned on me last night at 10:30pm and I ran downstairs and ripped apart the coat closet.  Ran back upstairs and woke up poor Mr. Molly and forced him to choose a pillow.  Then I had the first good nights sleep in 2 weeks.

Oh happy day!!!

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