Friday, June 8, 2012

It's all a Numbers Game

If you know me, you know I am and have always been obsessed with numbers.  I am a numbers person.

When I was little, I was the first person in my class (can't remember what grade) to be able to count forwards to and backwards from 100 and count to 100 by 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s.

A little older and I was the first person in my class to memorize all my multiplication tables.

In 5th grade I moved to a new state and was so advanced in math that I couldn't take it with the other kids and the teacher had to give me one-on-one lessons.

In high school I took AP Calculus and took the harder AP test and got a score that allowed me to skip straight to Calc 3 in college.

In college I was one of 4 people in my class that graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics.

My first job out of college was as an actuary and I proceeded to pass 5 exams for the Casualty Actuarial Society in 5 years.

In my head, I am always always counting.  When my boys are coughing at night and I'm trying to figure out if they will fall back asleep, I count the seconds between coughs on the monitor.  I know if I can count to 120 between coughs then they will be able to fall asleep.  When I can't fall asleep or if I want to see if I can take a short nap I count to 300 twice which equals 10 minutes.  If I can't fall asleep in 10 minutes I move on to something else. 

My kids could count to 30 when they were 2.5yrs old.  Now they can count to 100 and they can count to 30 in Spanish. 

I'm telling you all this so you understand why I'm always giving countdowns and why I'm so obsessed with how many days are left till this that and the other thing.  Numbers are my thing.  It's what I do. 

So without further ado... here are the numbers:
  • 20 days until our final walk through
  • 21 days until our closing
  • 26 days until we take possession (get the keys)
  • 27 days until we move out of temporary housing, get all our stuff out of storage, and start getting settled into our new life. 

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