Thursday, June 21, 2012

5 lbs

Well, somehow I have gained 5lbs since May 3rd.  I really shouldn't say "somehow."  As someone who has been on WW (on and off) for the past 9 years I know exactly how I gained 5lbs.  Knowing is only half the battle. 

I guess in the grand scheme of things, 5lbs in 7 weeks isn't THAT bad.  Unless you extrapolate it out to an entire year... then it would be 37 lbs a year.  That's singleton pregnancy weight right there.  Not acceptable.

What to do, what to do?  How to switch from Movin' on Up to Movin' on Down?  The first thing is to write a letter to the people in charge of the AH and tell them that a "furnished" apartment should be furnished with a scale.  I don't know why I expected there to be one, but I did.  They gave us an iron and a vacuum, 2 things that I NEVER use, so why not a scale?

Part of it is not having a scale for the past month.  Part of it is not writing down any points or tracking any food.  Part of it is my birthday/mother's day/BFF visit.  Part of it is exercising less. 

Whatever.  The point is, it's time to get back on the wagon.  Things are about to get busy up in here.... no more sitting around from 8-10pm watching TV every night.  Next week I've got a business trip, the walk through, and the closing.  The week after that is the move.  Movin' and shakin', and hopefully movin' on DOWN in the weight department.  Unfortunately, hoping is not enough.  I'm going to actually have to DO something.  Sigh.

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