Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Be Here Now

One of the sayings at my company (and probably most larger corporations) is "Be Here Now."  It means that whatever you are supposed to be doing at that moment, do it with your entire mind/body/etc. so that you can accomplish it efficiently and with focus and then move onto the next thing.

It's a very simple and obvious concept (much like "to lose weight you just eat less and exercise more") but often proves difficult to execute. 

When at work, you are supposed to be working.  That is what you are paid to do.  But besides Mr. Molly, I don't know anyone who just comes into the office, sits down at their desk, and works their butt off for 8 hours straight.  Most people will do a little work, then check the internet, then do a little work, then email or IM a friend, then do a little work, then take a walk, then do a little work, then write your blog post, etc.  Even when you are at work and actually WORKING it's sometimes hard to "be here now."  How often do you see an executive in a meeting checking their blackberry/iPhone to see what emails they are getting or when/where their next meeting is going to be?  You're talking and you know they aren't listening.  It's frustrating.

Then you go home and you're supposed to be spending time with your children.  But there is so much other stuff to do, you feel like you have to multi-task.  You're checking your personal email, figuring out what's on TV, what's the weather going to be tomorrow, what do I need to buy at the grocery store, did I switch the laundry yet?  You're getting texts from your friends and calls from your mom.  Meanwhile your kids are in the basement screaming "Be here now!!!"  or they would, if they were in corporate america and knew what that meant. 

How many times when you're out to dinner or at a bar with friends or your spouse is your phone out on the table?  What if you get a text, what if there is breaking Facebook news? 

Why is it so hard to "Be Here Now"?  Why are we so distracted and why do we feel it would be so horrible to miss out on anything? 

I guess the first step is to admit that you are not "being here now."  So now that I've admitted it, the much harder part it to execute on it.  However, this weekend I am going to have a visitor in the Dream House who executes on "Be Here Now" better than anyone I have ever met in my life.  No matter what she is doing, she is focused and in the moment.  I really respect that, and I'm going to watch her this weekend and try to learn a few things.  Can't wait to see you old friend!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

FINALLY (another post about catalogs)

Cindy gets at least 4 catalogs a day and it would be impossible for me to share them all with you.  That first catalog post would have like 10 updates on it.

FINALLY yesterday she got the Chasing Fireflies catalog.  I have been missing my kiddie clothes crack for 2 months now. 

Chasing Fireflies brought me beautiful eye candy like this
and these

and these

and these

and this, which I totally want BFF's daughter to wear for Halloween.

Chasing Fireflies did a good job of holding me over.  But I really hope that Jack and Jill are enjoying all of my Mini Boden, Hanna AnderssonPolarn O. Pyret, Land of Nod, and Tea Collection catalogs, to name a few.  Their daughter will be well-dressed.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Last week was definitely a week of progress.  Between bringing all that furniture back from my Grandma's house and my mom being here all week to make everything perfect and clean, I feel like the house is really pretty settled.

Sunday:  Came home with a dining room table, 6 chairs, a china cabinet, a server/buffet, a triple dresser, a desk, and two twin beds. 

Monday:  Mom hung all the remaining pictures and rearranged some furniture.  She also hung a rug on the wall in the playroom.

Tuesday: Mom spent a lot of time cleaning.  Apparently, according to Mom, Cindy should be embarrassed at the state that she left the Dream House in, and she obviously has no idea how to clean.  I didn't point out that I also have no idea how to clean.  It was implied though since Mom had to purchase a bunch of cleaning supplies.

Wednesday:  I don't remember what happened on this day, but progress was made.

Thursday:  All at the same time the alarm guy, the electrician, and the furniture delivery guys arrived at Dream House.  The alarm guy hooked us up with alarms on 3 doors and 3 motion detectors.  The electrician hooked us up with 3 ceiling fans, one in each of the upstairs bedrooms.  And the furniture delivery guys brought the leather sectional and ottoman.  Phew! 

Friday:  Mom just cooked all morning because we had to go out of town (again) for a reunion (again) so that was the end of the progress.

Still much needs to be done and we are having our first BBQ with my very closest friends on Saturday.  My girls will not judge me for what still needs to be done and purchased or how clean/unclean it may or may not be.  Instead, they will celebrate with me and we will all enjoy each other's company.  The men will drink beer and eat brats.  The kids will destroy the playroom.  The end.

Monday, July 16, 2012

UPDATED: Cindy's Catalogs

When you forward your mail (which Cindy finally did) your catalogs don't get forwarded.  So I am getting some insight into Cindy's interests by seeing what catalogs she gets.  It's actually very interesting to me because many of them I've never heard of, and I have been enjoying looking through them.  In case you want to start getting some new catalogs, I decided to share them with you.

First: Rejuvenation, Classic American Lighting & House Parts
Here's my favorite room from that catalog:

Second:  Uno Alla Volta, One at a Time
This catalog is totally not my style, but some of my more artsy readers might like it.

Third: NapaStyle, Celebrate the Flavor of Life
This catalog has lots of awesome stuff, but I especially loved this gem, perfect for a mudroom:

Forth:  Linen Source, One destination. Endless possibilities.

If you want cheap sheets go here.  I think they look cheap too, especially when you compare them to the Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware catalog sheets.

Fifth:  Two clothing ones I didn't get before; Athleta, Power to the She and Acacia, Healthy Joyful Living

This one is apparently owned by The Gap.
And over at Acacia, this is apparently the best selling "home decor" item:

Sixth:  Just because I didn't know it existed, I give you PB teen
I'm probably a little too excited about this since I won't have teenagers until 2021.

And finally, the most bizarre catalog I have received in Cindy's name
Seventh: Sporty's Preferred Living, Distinctive Enhancements For Your Home

Two things in particular cracked me up from this catalog. 

"Please take your pills" is a friendly, automatic reminder of your daily prescription needs

On the left: I totally need that!
Below:WTF is that pic!!??!!

One burst fends off troublemakers

UPDATE:  Three more catalogs came that I wanted to mention.

The best one was Charleston Gardens which featured this awesome Woven Bed Swing
The most "run of the mill" was Garnet Hill, and the most random was Improvements.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Normal/Average -> Healthy

When it comes to a woman over 30 who has had children, what is considered a normal weight/size/BMI?

According to this article,
The fashion industry assumes these standard measurements for a woman: 35-inch bust, a 27-inch waist, and 37.5-inch hip. In the real world, women ages 36 to 45 actually average:
  • White: 41-34-43
  • Black: 43-37-46
  • Hispanic: 42.5-36-44
  • Asian: 41-35-43
They also say the average women's size is 14. 

Ok, but is average the same as normal?  When I think of normal I think of not extreme in either direction.  I know very few women over 30 with children who I would consider "skinny."  Those who are, tend to be work out fanatics or vegetarians.  (Yes - broad generalization - sorry)

I am currently a size 10/12.  Better than "average" in America according to many studies.  According to Weight Watchers I am about 15 lbs over the maximum weight for my height.  And I'm about 25 lbs over the lowest weight I've ever been as an adult (pre-children), and even 10 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight.

I think the lowest that I have weighed since having children and not while breast-feeding was still 9 lbs over the Weight Watchers maximum.

However, most people say that I look normal.  When I look in the mirror I feel normal.  Normal or Average are not good enough.  Instead of using those words I need to change my vocabulary.  My new word is Healthy.

I may consider myself normal or even better than average but when asked if I consider myself to be healthy my answer would be no.  I don't eat enough fruits and veggies, I don't drink enough water, and I don't exercise enough.  I think a healthy person should be able to go out and run 2 miles in 20 minutes or less.

I do honestly believe that your body changes after you have children and your metabolism changes after age 30, or 33, or whatever.  I will never be a size 4, or even 6.  But I'd like to be an 8.  I'd like to be healthy, and fit comfortably into a size 8.  And I think that when I get there, that should be my new normal.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Immediate Need Items

Whenever you move into a house that is more than double the size of your previous house you need to buy lots of stuff.  Often, when you upgrade your house you are buying something more expensive and so you don't have a lot of cash around to buy said stuff.  As a result you need to prioritize and take baby steps. 

Baby steps for us is getting some furniture from my Grandma's house.  This may not be our forever furniture but it is excellent quality and will do the trick to fill the rooms.  This weekend we are going to Grandma's house and will get a dining room table, 2 twin beds, a desk, a dining room server, maybe a triple dresser, maybe a wardrobe, and maybe a china cabinet thingie.  We rented a 10 foot UHaul and enlisted the help of Mr. Bestie and Bestie's Dad.

As far as prioritizing the stuff we need to actually buy, here's how it breaks down according to me (subject to Mr. Molly's re-prioritization since he controls the budget):

Cindy had this in the laundry room and tore it off the wall and took it with her.  In my mind, it would be here when I got here and so now I need to buy one. 

We have nothing to sit on in the basement to watch the new 60in TV so we need the above leather sectional and ottoman.  Mr. Molly thinks that leather is more kid-resistant than fabric. 
You may not know what the above picture represents.  It is residential window tinting.  We need it on the floor to ceiling windows in the great room so our furniture doesn't get totally faded.  As it is, we love having the blinds up but have to lower them every day to protect the furniture and it kills me.  Also the blinds are disgustingly dirty.  Thanks Cindy.

We have enough space.  There's really no excuse not to have one.  It's probably unnecessary for me to state this, but that girl running on the treadmill is not Molly.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

We Made It.

Well, here we are.  It's Sunday and we are settled into our new house.  Every box is unpacked, and most things are very organized.  Did I mention that Molly's Parents have super-powers?  Molly's Dad: with the Power of Breaking Down Boxes; and Molly's Mom: with the Power of Organization and Decoration.

Everything went really really well.  Besides some kookiness on the part of Cindy Walsh and there being no power at the AH when we packed up our things, I could not have asked for a better experience.

I think I'm still in disbelief that we live here... I mean all my things are here and I've slept here for 3 nights but I just can't believe it.  It will sink in more when my parents leave tomorrow and it's just the 4 of us in our home.

The kids are really digging the new digs.  They spent the entire day today underground in their massive playroom.  It really shouldn't even be called a playroom.  Mr. Molly set it up like a preschool classroom with little stations... he went through and told them "Here is the train center, here is the cars and trucks center, here is the music center, here is the reading center" etc.  2 days in and it's a total and complete mess.  HA!  But they LOVE it.  They had a great time yesterday playing in the backyard with the baby pool and the sprinklers.  Of course, they found the ONE loose board in the fence that they could escape through.  Guess we'll have to fix that.

I know you're all wondering what Cindy did to make me call her Kooky.  It really was 3 things:
  1. She made a big deal about cleaning.  She did end up giving us possession on Wed.  Her movers were done by like 3pm that day and she texted me and said she was finishing cleaning but she expected to be out by 5pm.  Well, she kept needing more time and we told her "take all the time you need to clean our house" so we didn't end up actually getting into the house until around 8pm.  The part that was funny was she just kept texting me telling me how hard it was to clean 4500 sq ft.  Duh.  That's why I won't ever be cleaning 4500 sq ft. and why she had no idea how long it took b/c she probably never did it either.
  2. She likes it warm.  The thermostat is programmable and we didn't even think to look at how they had it programmed before we fell into bed on Thursday night.  I woke up sweating at 2am and learned that they set it to cool at 80 degrees at night.  EIGHTY.  Holy crap.  I found Molly's mom sleeping in the basement.  I set everything to 72 and it all cooled down fast but I thought that was peculiar.
  3. She is in denial.  For some reason she either did not forward her mail or she put the request in too late.  So we got possession on Wed and moved in on Thursday.  Every piece of mail in the mailbox was for Cindy, Jim, or Brenda Walsh each of Thurs, Fri, and Sat.  Every day she texted me, "Did you get my mail again?  Just leave it in the box and I'll come by and pick it up!"  So I kind of feel like she is stalking me b/c every night she drives by and picks up her mail.  I guess turn-around is fair play in the stalking department.
That's about it.  I'm too tired for pictures but there will be plenty.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Let's get this show on the road!

Ok folks, the time is finally here!  The next 2 days are reserved for MOVING INTO DREAM HOUSE!!  OMG, I seriously can not believe it. 

It's not going to go down exactly how I had previously imagined but I'm over that now.  Here is how it is going to go down:

Today (Wed) Mr. Molly and I will drive back up to that AH.  We are pretty sure we can drive in through the back way.  There is still no power but we are prepared to sweat as we pack up all our things.  We will load up the cars as best we can and drive over to Bestie's house.

I will also call Cindy at some point to check on how her move is going.  It doesn't really matter because I was able to get our movers to confirm they won't show up until noon on Thursday.

We will sleep at Bestie's house and then Thursday morning we will head over to Dream House and see what the situation is.  If they are gone, we will see if the place is clean.  If it is, we will start unloading the cars.  If it is not, we will clean it.  If they aren't gone, we will see how much longer and then show up when they are gone.

The movers will show up tomorrow at noon and start their job.  Probably around 5pm or so, Molly's Parents will show up with the kids.  That will really be fun.  By the time they get there we will have the stuffed animals (alligator and penguin) set up and their big boy bikes.

And then the unpacking begins.... I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MY STUFF AGAIN!! 

I will be silent on the blog until Saturday when the cable guy comes.  Stay tuned for how it all turns out!!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Control Issues

I am a planner. I like to be in control and master the logistics.  For this move I have had everything planned out to the smallest detail for months.  My change of address cards were ordered, addressed, and stamped a month ago. 

So the hiccups and the cough basically destroyed any sense of control I had over this move and that made me want to punch someone.  As of this morning there were 3 things completely out of my control:
1) If there was power at the AH, and if not where was I going to stay on Wed night
2) If there was street access to the AH, and if not how was I going to move all my stuff out on Thursday
3) If Cindy's movers were going to be able to get her out of my house on Wednesday per our contract

I can not control the power company, the police department, or Cindy's movers (or Cindy who is proving to be much too laid back for my tastes). 

So here is what I have done so far to address these issues:
1)  There most certainly is not and will not be power at the AH.  We will be staying with Bestie whose power was restored yesterday.  We will leave the kids here at Molly's Parents House and they will drive to Dream House with the kids on Thursday.
2)  There are two entrances to the AH complex, both off of the road that is closed.  However one of them (the back entrance) is right by a drug store.  If someone can get to the drug store, they can get to AH.  I called the drug store, and it rang!  I got a recording but they said they are OPEN (implying people can drive there) and they are running on a generator.  If people can drive there, they can drive to AH.  Problem solved.
3)  I called our movers and asked them not to show up until noon on Thursday.  They put in the request and that's all I can do.  I'm not going to change it to Friday.... I need to get in that house.  If we are moving in while they are moving out that is going to suck, but it is what it is.  Cindy still seems convinced we are coming on Thursday morning (per an email this morning) but indicated she may not be there by giving me the garage code.  Baby steps.  This is the one thing I really can't control so I'm trying to just be positive that I solved the other 2 problems. JCRL will have to pay us at least $100 for us not getting possession on the correct date, unless Cindy is out of there Wed night.

I don't know why I feel so much aggression over this whole thing.  I think I need to go to a kick boxing class.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oh Yeah

I forgot to mention the other option that RL gave us for getting rid of the hiccups.  We could have the Stepford Police Department come by on Wednesday night and forcibly remove Jim, Cindy, Brenda, and Brandon from our house.  That seems like it would really win over the new neighbors. I think RL was joking, but it would be within our rights to do this.

Though Cindy is very well-intended, she kind of ticked me off with her latest email to me where she said:
"I am bummed about the mix up with the closing date.  I was hoping to be out of the house and have it cleaned up for your arrival.  My mover really feels that he will need until about noon on Thursday to finish, so we will just have to work around each other.  He was unable to move his arrival up a day.  In addition I had to schedule the pick up of the POD in the driveway for Thursday.  I asked that they come in the morning, but there is no guarantee.  Luckily, it only takes a few minutes to pick it up.
See you Thursday!  I can give you all the keys/remotes/info then."

I SO BADLY want to reply:
"Yes, Cindy, I am also 'bummed' that your realtor caused you to accidentally break the contract.  Either you or she better throw some money at those movers to get them to be out of there by Wednesday.  You have totally ruined my plans for acclimating my kids to the new house and unveiling it to my parents.  You have also caused me heartburn, insomnia, and at least $200.  What a 'bummer'!  See you Thursday!"

Don't worry Mr. Molly, I won't actually reply with this.  You forget that I took an entire 2-day class on "How To Communicate with Tact and Diplomacy."

A Hiccup and then A COUGH

First the Hiccup:

While we were at the closing RL got a call from Jim and Cindy's RL (JCRL).  All I heard her say was, "Well yes, that IS a problem" and then my pen was poised in the air for the next 15 minutes.  Turns out that JCRL told Jim and Cindy that the time of possession was July 5th (thurs) at 3pm.  Well, it's a problem because JCRL read the contract wrong.  The contract says that possession is July 4th (wed) at 3pm.  This would not be a problem except for that Jim and Cindy's movers say they need from Monday morning til Thurs at noon to pack and move them.  Well, my movers are showing up at 8am on Thursday morning.

Much like a hiccup, everyone scrambled around to try to find a solution.  Jim and Cindy's movers could not start any earlier than Monday and would not commit to finishing on Wed. Basically, we were stuck.  We could have just not signed the papers.  However, at the same time we heard through the grapevine that Jim doesn't really like his new job out West and they may not actually be moving.  Hence, it would be no skin off their back if the deal fell through. 

So we signed the papers and here is where we are at right now:
  • Maybe Jim and Cindy's movers can finish on Wednesday.  If this is the case... hiccups cured!
  • Maybe we can change our move date to Friday.  This would be us bending over backwards and would make Molly sad. 
  • The way it stands right now, if their movers take till noon on Thursday the hiccups may need surgery because it will be a total mess.  They will be going out one door while we go in the other, everyone will be pissed, and JCRL will owe us $300.
But that was just the hiccup.  Wait till you hear about the cough. 

As we were signing the papers, a huge storm with hurricane gust winds came through and killed the power at the Title Company.  Mr. Molly had to sign the last paper using his flashlight app.  We thought that was the worst thing, but it wasn't.  When we tried to go back to the AH we ran into this:
Yes, that is the street that provides the only entrance to the AH.  Sufficed to say, we have no power at the AH and it is not estimated to come back until 7/7 or 7/8.  Also, we can not drive up to the AH because of the scene above. 

So the cough can be summed up as this:  no power, no street access, 90+ degree weather, and possibility of not getting into Dream House until Thursday the 5th.  All of that added up to the temporary cure.... get the hell outta dodge. 

We headed to Molly's Parents house for some prescribed R&R..  We will be hanging here until Wednesday.  Stay tuned to see if our cough gets cured, or turns into emphysema.