Sunday, July 8, 2012

We Made It.

Well, here we are.  It's Sunday and we are settled into our new house.  Every box is unpacked, and most things are very organized.  Did I mention that Molly's Parents have super-powers?  Molly's Dad: with the Power of Breaking Down Boxes; and Molly's Mom: with the Power of Organization and Decoration.

Everything went really really well.  Besides some kookiness on the part of Cindy Walsh and there being no power at the AH when we packed up our things, I could not have asked for a better experience.

I think I'm still in disbelief that we live here... I mean all my things are here and I've slept here for 3 nights but I just can't believe it.  It will sink in more when my parents leave tomorrow and it's just the 4 of us in our home.

The kids are really digging the new digs.  They spent the entire day today underground in their massive playroom.  It really shouldn't even be called a playroom.  Mr. Molly set it up like a preschool classroom with little stations... he went through and told them "Here is the train center, here is the cars and trucks center, here is the music center, here is the reading center" etc.  2 days in and it's a total and complete mess.  HA!  But they LOVE it.  They had a great time yesterday playing in the backyard with the baby pool and the sprinklers.  Of course, they found the ONE loose board in the fence that they could escape through.  Guess we'll have to fix that.

I know you're all wondering what Cindy did to make me call her Kooky.  It really was 3 things:
  1. She made a big deal about cleaning.  She did end up giving us possession on Wed.  Her movers were done by like 3pm that day and she texted me and said she was finishing cleaning but she expected to be out by 5pm.  Well, she kept needing more time and we told her "take all the time you need to clean our house" so we didn't end up actually getting into the house until around 8pm.  The part that was funny was she just kept texting me telling me how hard it was to clean 4500 sq ft.  Duh.  That's why I won't ever be cleaning 4500 sq ft. and why she had no idea how long it took b/c she probably never did it either.
  2. She likes it warm.  The thermostat is programmable and we didn't even think to look at how they had it programmed before we fell into bed on Thursday night.  I woke up sweating at 2am and learned that they set it to cool at 80 degrees at night.  EIGHTY.  Holy crap.  I found Molly's mom sleeping in the basement.  I set everything to 72 and it all cooled down fast but I thought that was peculiar.
  3. She is in denial.  For some reason she either did not forward her mail or she put the request in too late.  So we got possession on Wed and moved in on Thursday.  Every piece of mail in the mailbox was for Cindy, Jim, or Brenda Walsh each of Thurs, Fri, and Sat.  Every day she texted me, "Did you get my mail again?  Just leave it in the box and I'll come by and pick it up!"  So I kind of feel like she is stalking me b/c every night she drives by and picks up her mail.  I guess turn-around is fair play in the stalking department.
That's about it.  I'm too tired for pictures but there will be plenty.

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