Thursday, July 12, 2012

Normal/Average -> Healthy

When it comes to a woman over 30 who has had children, what is considered a normal weight/size/BMI?

According to this article,
The fashion industry assumes these standard measurements for a woman: 35-inch bust, a 27-inch waist, and 37.5-inch hip. In the real world, women ages 36 to 45 actually average:
  • White: 41-34-43
  • Black: 43-37-46
  • Hispanic: 42.5-36-44
  • Asian: 41-35-43
They also say the average women's size is 14. 

Ok, but is average the same as normal?  When I think of normal I think of not extreme in either direction.  I know very few women over 30 with children who I would consider "skinny."  Those who are, tend to be work out fanatics or vegetarians.  (Yes - broad generalization - sorry)

I am currently a size 10/12.  Better than "average" in America according to many studies.  According to Weight Watchers I am about 15 lbs over the maximum weight for my height.  And I'm about 25 lbs over the lowest weight I've ever been as an adult (pre-children), and even 10 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight.

I think the lowest that I have weighed since having children and not while breast-feeding was still 9 lbs over the Weight Watchers maximum.

However, most people say that I look normal.  When I look in the mirror I feel normal.  Normal or Average are not good enough.  Instead of using those words I need to change my vocabulary.  My new word is Healthy.

I may consider myself normal or even better than average but when asked if I consider myself to be healthy my answer would be no.  I don't eat enough fruits and veggies, I don't drink enough water, and I don't exercise enough.  I think a healthy person should be able to go out and run 2 miles in 20 minutes or less.

I do honestly believe that your body changes after you have children and your metabolism changes after age 30, or 33, or whatever.  I will never be a size 4, or even 6.  But I'd like to be an 8.  I'd like to be healthy, and fit comfortably into a size 8.  And I think that when I get there, that should be my new normal.

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