Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oh Yeah

I forgot to mention the other option that RL gave us for getting rid of the hiccups.  We could have the Stepford Police Department come by on Wednesday night and forcibly remove Jim, Cindy, Brenda, and Brandon from our house.  That seems like it would really win over the new neighbors. I think RL was joking, but it would be within our rights to do this.

Though Cindy is very well-intended, she kind of ticked me off with her latest email to me where she said:
"I am bummed about the mix up with the closing date.  I was hoping to be out of the house and have it cleaned up for your arrival.  My mover really feels that he will need until about noon on Thursday to finish, so we will just have to work around each other.  He was unable to move his arrival up a day.  In addition I had to schedule the pick up of the POD in the driveway for Thursday.  I asked that they come in the morning, but there is no guarantee.  Luckily, it only takes a few minutes to pick it up.
See you Thursday!  I can give you all the keys/remotes/info then."

I SO BADLY want to reply:
"Yes, Cindy, I am also 'bummed' that your realtor caused you to accidentally break the contract.  Either you or she better throw some money at those movers to get them to be out of there by Wednesday.  You have totally ruined my plans for acclimating my kids to the new house and unveiling it to my parents.  You have also caused me heartburn, insomnia, and at least $200.  What a 'bummer'!  See you Thursday!"

Don't worry Mr. Molly, I won't actually reply with this.  You forget that I took an entire 2-day class on "How To Communicate with Tact and Diplomacy."

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