Friday, November 16, 2012

Up, Down, all Around

Today I determined that 1 of 3 phenomenons are happening in my life.  Either:

A) All of the mirrors and reflective surfaces in Dream House are extremely flattering
B) My scale is broken
C) I have a very warped sense of self bolstered by my mad skillz in wearing clothes that flatter my shape

It has to be one of those three because even though I weigh more right now that I ever have in my life (when not pregnant), I don't feel like I look like I weigh more than I ever have in my life. 

Nonetheless, I think everyone has THAT NUMBER where when they see it on the scale they just sigh and say "Well, I guess the party's over."  And when I say "party" I mean eating whatever you want whenever you want without thinking about it and not working out for months on end.  I mean really, that lifestyle is more of a dangerous rave where someone roofies your drink than a "party" anyway.

For me that number is 156.  That's my breaking point.  That's the number that makes me heave a sigh and dust off my Weight Watchers app on my iPad and get out my sugarless gum and diet coke.

So here we go again... back on the wagon.  Hopefully my weight will stop plateauing and rising like my company's loss trends and start movin' on down again.

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