Saturday, June 23, 2012


We went to the Art Fair today.  The point was to get ideas for a couple of spaces in Dream House that are going to require art.  Namely, above the fireplace and some nooks that have spotlights on them.  We had no intention of buying at all, just trying to see what we liked and if Mr. Molly and I agreed.  We have never really bought artwork together before.

We took the kids with us because the mall that housed the art fair has a splash pad and train set that we thought they would appreciate.  It was a very pleasant day. 

We didn't buy anything but we did take cards from a couple of artists.  The first one was Rich Backer.  What we liked in particular were pieces like this
that would be all metal and could be mounted in the bar area in the basement.

The second one was Helen & Cydney who make Hand Fused Kiln-Fired Glass.  We liked their pieces and thought they would look nice under the spotlights in the nooks.  Unfortunately they don't appear to have a website so I can't share it with you.  Through some Internet stalking I did find another artist named Barbara Schulman-Kirwin who does something similar. Here are some examples of her work

Finally we pulled the card of an artist from Saginaw, MI named John Galbo.  He is pretty traditional but had some big beautiful pieces that could look good above the fireplace.  Hard to pick out a particular one to show you... I have to see my stuff in the room first to know what will look good. 

So that was the art fair.  Tomorrow we rest and try to calm the nerves in our stomachs that stem from the week that lies ahead. 

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